Raid on Bryn Shander 

(Combat Variant Challenge)


The Horde

Raider Morale (Low morale results in more ineffective actions)

(Change from last round)



Number of Orc Raiders Active (AC: 13)

** Surrounded at city gate **



Orc Raiders Fled/Escaped  1


Orc Raiders Killed So Far 30


Giant's Health inside the city (AC: 16) **DEAD**

* Marked by Azalie *



Giant's Health inside the city (AC: 16)

** Near city gate **



Property damage/stolen total cost 915 GP



Town Morale (Low morale results in more ineffective actions)



Sheriff Markham southwell hit points (AC: 17)

** Blocking city gate **

58 / 58
Number of Militiamen Active (AC 11)

** Inside city *



Militiamen Killed / Disabled



Number of Elite guards (AC: 16)

** blocking city gate **



Elite guards Killed / Disabled



Civilians in danger (Persuasion: DC 12)



Civilians being dragged away (Athletics: DC 15)



Civilians Captured



Civilians Killed



Civilians Rescued:





Player Action Credits (current round - 5) Current credits

Uptharr  (+3 per round)

HP: 20 / 31

ROund 5 (4 credits used)  (Inside city)

Bonus Action: Not Taken

Melee attacks on giant (4 credits)

   Result of mACE attack 1 - 20 - hits with mace, 6 damage (+3 town morale)

   Result of FLAIL attack 2 - 15 - miss

   Result of MACE attack 3 - 20 - hits with mace, 5 damage (+2 town morale)

   Result of FLAIL attack 4 - 12 - miss


Azalie (+3 per round) 

HP: 25 / 27

ROund 5 (4 credits used) (on rooftop)

Bonus Action: Not Taken

Range attacks on giant (4 credits)

   Result of attack 1 - 19 - hits with arrow of gentle echoes (gives giant disadvantage)  

   Result of attack 2 - 13 - miss

   Result of attack 3 - 14 - miss

   Result of attack 4 - 16 - hits for 7 damage (+3 town morale)



Dorf (+3 per round)   (rage Expires on round 10)

HP: 23 / 35

ROund 5:  (2 credits used, 2 banked)  (In snow near city gate)

Bonus Action: Drinkng a healing potion (recovers 10 hp)

Melee attacks on giant (2 credits)

   Result of attack 1 - 25 - called shot deals 13 damage  (+6 Town morale)

   Result of attack 2 - 19 - missess called shot  ()



Fizzbum (+3 per round) 

HP: 27 / 27

ROund (4 credits used)  (Hiding in city behind barrell close to mutt and uptharr)

Custom Action: casting produce flame twice at giant: (4 credits)

   Result of spell 1: miss

   Result of spell 2: critical hit for 8 damage! (+4 town morale)



Mutt (+3 per round) 

HP: 16 / 24

ROund 5: (4 credits used) (inside city)

Bonus Action: casting healing word at himself

   Result of spell: heals 10 hit poitns on himself

Custom Action: Casting Minor Illusion to trick orc: (2 credits)

   Result of spell & deception roll: 12 vs wis check of 14 - Orc doesn't fall for it

Custom action 2: Casting vicious mockery at giant: (2 credits)

   Result of spell: Giant Save throw: 16 - success


Round 5 Summary (click here to view)
Round 4 Summary (click here to view)
Round 3 Summary (click here to view)
Round 2 Summary (click here to view)
Round 1 Summary (click here to view)

Player Options:

  1. Search for Party Members (cost: 1 action credit)

    • Action: Roll 1 Perception or Investigation to locate separated allies.

    • Effects: Success reunites you with specified group members, enhancing your effectiveness; failure delays reunion and may result in minor injuries from the chaos.

  2. Rescue Citizens (cost: 2 action credits)

    • Sub-options:

      • Citizen Dragged by Orc: Attempt 1 Athletics check (DC 15) to free the civilian (lowest risk to civilian)

      • Citizen Dragged by Orc by attacking the Orc: Attempt 1 Melee or Range roll (VS AC) to free the civilian by killing the orc (High risk to civilian, must exceed AC by +5 or civilian will be killed)

      • Lead Frightened Citizen to Safety: Make 1 Persuasion check (DC 12) to guide them to safety.

    • Consequences: Success saves civilians, improves morale, and will have an effect on your reputation score; failure can result in civilian capture or Death.

  3. Engage Enemies at Range (Cost: 2 action credits)

    • Action: Use ranged attacks against orcs or the giant.

    • Outcome: Roll 2 range attacks roll vs. AC of the target. Successful hits reduce enemy numbers; misses may have no effect.

  4. Melee Attacks on Orcs or Giant (Cost: 2 Action Credits)

    • Action: Engage directly in combat.

    • Outcome: Roll 2 melee attacks. Successful strikes inflict damage; misses expose you to counterattacks.

  5. Hide (Cost: 1 action credit)

    • Action: Make 1 Stealth check (DM will determine DC) to avoid direct conflict.

    • Outcome: Successful stealth allows you to avoid combat damage

  6. Taunt (Cost: Bonus Action)

    • Action: Try and gain aggro from enemies.  Make a Persuasion Check, the DM will make opposing WIS save rolls for a portion of remaining Orcs, and the Giant).

    • Outcome: Successfully Taunted enemies will attack you instead of civilians or guards, increasing potential damage you take, but reducing threats on civilians for this round)

  7. Custom Action & Spells (Cost: Varies)

    • Action: Casting spells or if taking a different action than one above, please consult with the DM.

    • Outcome: DM Discretion, will determine how your specific action will affect the battle.  Note: Some spells and abilities will be slightly modified for this combat format.





Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 5 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 4 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 3 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 2 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character Action Descriptive - Round 1 (click to display) Results Round/Credits
Dorfs first rage attack results in a roll of 16: Dorf, fueled by his battle rage, charges headlong into the chaos, his dwarven hand axe a blur of deadly force. With a ferocious roar, he finds an orc chasing a citizen and cleaves it through it`s chest destroying it!. His second attack results in a critical hit roll of 20: His axe swings in a lethal arc, catching two more orcs in a single, devastating blow that leaves them lifeless at his feet. TOTAL RESULT: 3 Orc Raiders Killed

Bonus action: Rage Active (free enhancement) (Reduces damage, make melee attacks with advantage)  (10/10 rounds left)

Melee Attacks vs ORcs (2 credits) (AC: 13)

  Result of attack 1: 16 - Killing 1 orc (-3 Raider Morale, +1 Town morale)

  Result of attack 2: 20 - Killing 2 orcs (-6 Raider morale, +2 town morale)

ROund 1:

(2 credits used)

"As the battle rages, uptharr catches sight of a woman being dragged away by an orc. he quickly maneuvers the chaos, positioning himself to intervene at the first opportunity" Round 1: (1 credit banked for next round) Round 1:

(0 credits used, 1 banked)

Amidst the chaos of battle, Mutt`s keen senses and sharp eyes don`t dissapoint. He navigates through the chaos, successfully spotting his companions. He finds Azalie, Dorf, and Fizz, regrouping them for tactical efficiency.

During the battle, Mutt strikes up a rousing melody, his voice cutting through the screaming and shouting with powerful, uplifting lyrics. The town guards, heartened by his song, feel a renewed surge of courage and resolve, standing taller and fighting with renewed vigor.

Search for party members: 24 (1 credit)   (Mutt finds Azalie, Dorf and Fizzbum), Increase actions to 2 per round.

Bonus Action: (+4 Town Morale) Bardic Inspiration to inspire guards (gives 1d6 morale boost)

Round 1:

(1 credit used)

Fizz hums low in his throat, lower than a gnomish voice would normally resonate, and slowly under his hands a ripple of movement occurs. Green light emanates from his hands, and his eyes raise from the ground beneath him, focused on the Giant and the surrounding orcs.

The Giant, through brute force, breaks free from the vines as they try and snake around it's massive legs.  Amidst the chaos, two orc raiders are caught in the area of the spell, one orc tears free of the vines before they ensare him, but the other, is caught off-guard as the relentless vines wrap tightly around him, rendering him immobile. Nearby, a militia guard isn't quick enough to evade and is ensnared by the creeping vegetation, his efforts to break free unsuccessful, rendering him immobile as well.

Fizz does not find any Militia guards or civilians that can benefit from healing, and is unable to cast his spell.

Fizzbum (+2 per round)  (Group 2)

Casts spell "Entangle" centered on the Hill Giant, and any nearby orcs. (30% chance to catch 1d4 orcs, 30% chance to catch 1d4 militia, 30% chance to catch 1 civilian.)

  Result of Entangle: Hill Giant Save throw: Successful save (Giant not entangled)

  Result of Entangle: Orcs: 2 Orcs caught, 1 fails save throw, 1 succeeds save throw.  (1 orc entangled)

  Result of Entangle: Militia: 2 militia caught, 1 fails save throw, 1 succeeds save throw (1 militia entangled)

  Result of Entangle: Civilians: No civilians caught in area of effect.

Bonus Action: Casting Healing word to save a wounded guard (make perception check vs DC 15 to spot a wounded guard, if successful, one killed guard is restored to active)

  Result of healing word: 9  (Fails to find any guards that can be saved, spell not cast)

  Result of Healing WOrd: Unable to locate anyone to assist. 

Round 1:

(2 credits used)

With, fleet of foot, Azalie heads straight for the ugly Orc. She smiles as he lunges towards her, she sidesteps and plunges her dagger into the Orc. Azalie can feel the tension in the blade as it slips through the rough, smelly skin. The Orc drops to the ground. Azalie shakes the blood off her dagger and puts it back in the sheath. "GET UP! GET MOVING!" she is shouting at the woman.

Azalie (+2 per round)  (Group 2)

Attacking orc dragging away a citizen:

Result of attack: 20 - Killing 1 Orc, Rescues 1 citizen (-3 Raider Morale, +1 Town Morale)

Round 1:

(2 credits used)

During the fierce raid, the orcs unleashed chaos throughout the city. Two orcs managed to grab citizens, and begin dragging them away.

Eight orcs engaged the city guards in brutal combat, four of the guards are killed as the violence continues.

Five orcs turned their attention towards vandalism and theft, causing a total of 165 GP in damages to properties.

In the heat of the raid, one orc singled out Fizzbum, who had not engaged in melee combat. Charging with weapon drawn, the orc swung fiercely but ultimately missed, leaving Fizzbum unscathed despite the close call.

During the tumultuous battle, three orcs aggressively targeted Dorf, who was engaged in melee. Despite their best efforts and multiple swings, none of their attacks found their mark, leaving Dorf unharmed as he skillfully evaded their blows.

In the chaos of the skirmish, two orcs focused their fury on Azalie, recognizing her as a key combatant. They advanced with a barrage of strikes aimed to overpower her defenses. While one orc's attack faltered, the other managed to land a solid hit, wounding Azalie amidst the clashing melee dealing 9 points of damage!

Orc Action summary
* 2 orcs successfully grab citizens, changing their status to "being dragged away."

* 1 orc successfully captures a citizen (+1 Raider Morale)
* 8 orcs attempt to attack the guards, with 4 guards being successfully killed. (+4 Raider morale)
* 5 orcs are effectively stealing or damaging property.
Orc 1: 2 GP
Orc 2: 29 GP
Orc 3: 78 GP
Orc 4: 56 GP

Orc 5: 65 GP - Stopped by Guard
165 GP total damage.
* 6 orcs manage to engage party members in combat.
     1 orc attacked Fizzbum, Uptharr, or Mutt, who did not enter melee this round.
The orc misses Fizzbum
     5 orcs attacked Azalie or Dorf, who were involved in melee combat.
          3 orcs attacked Dorf missing all their attacks. (0 damage)
          2 orcs attacked Azalie,

    1 successfully hit. (9 damage)

    1 misses her (0 damage)

* 4 orcs do not take any effective action, likely hindered by their current morale level.

* 1 Orc entangled struggles against the vines, but fails to free itself. (fails save throw)

Round 1:

(26 active orcs)

(1 orc entangled)

As the hill giant rampaged through the city, six guards rallied to confront the massive foe. Armed with their courage and weapons, they launched a coordinated assault against the giant, managing to land two significant blows amidst their flurry of attacks. Their efforts inflicted a total of 14 damage on the giant.

Two of the city guards turned their attention to the marauding orcs, making attacks on the mauraders. Despite their efforts and tactical maneuvers, their attacks failed to find their marks, as the guards miss on all their attacks.

Two of the guards helped citizens in danger, focusing their efforts on rescuing them from the the raiders. They guided the frightened individuals through the dangerous streets, maneuvering them to safety away from the immediate threats.

One of the guards spots an orc attempting to wreak havoc on a property. The guard, successfully stops the orc's destructive intentions and prevents it from dealing damage.

during the chaos and descruction, eight of the city guards found themselves paralyzed by the overwhelming odds and the chaos enveloping them. Their morale severely shaken, these guards struggled to muster the courage to act, standing hesitantly as the battle raged around them.

Guard action summary
* 6 guards attack the giant.
     2 successful hits, dealing 14 damage.
* 2 guards attack orcs.
     2 guards miss their attacks. (none killed)
* 2 guards lead a citizen to safety.
* 1 guard stops an orc from damaging property.
Stops orc #5
*  8 guards do not take any effective action, likely hindered by their current morale level.

* 1 guard entangled, struggles against the vines, but fails to free himself. (Fails save throw)

Round 1:

(19 active guards)

(1 guard entangled)

With a deafening roar, the hill giant swings its massive club with terrifying force. The first strike sends two guards hurtling through the air like rag dolls, their bodies crashing against the nearby buildings with sickening thuds. Before the remaining guards can react, the giant swings again, sweeping its club in a wide arc that smashes into the group, sending two more unfortunate defenders flying in different directions, their armor crumpling beneath the impact. Hill Giant action summary

* Giant makes 2 attacks (each attack able to hit 1 or 2 guards out of the 6 that engaged him)
  - Attack 1 - 2 guards killed by the giant. (+2 Raider Morale)

  - Attack 2 - 2 guards killed by the giant. (+2 Raider Morale)
  - property damage done: 59 GP

Round 1:

(1 Hill giant)