Raid on Bryn Shander 

(Combat Variant Challenge)


The Horde

Raider Morale (Low morale results in more ineffective actions)

(Change from last round)



Number of Orc Raiders Active (AC: 13)

** Surrounded at city gate **



Orc Raiders Fled/Escaped  1


Orc Raiders Killed So Far 30


Giant's Health inside the city (AC: 16) **DEAD**

* Marked by Azalie *



Giant's Health inside the city (AC: 16)

** Near city gate **



Property damage/stolen total cost 915 GP



Town Morale (Low morale results in more ineffective actions)



Sheriff Markham southwell hit points (AC: 17)

** Blocking city gate **

58 / 58
Number of Militiamen Active (AC 11)

** Inside city *



Militiamen Killed / Disabled



Number of Elite guards (AC: 16)

** blocking city gate **



Elite guards Killed / Disabled



Civilians in danger (Persuasion: DC 12)



Civilians being dragged away (Athletics: DC 15)



Civilians Captured



Civilians Killed



Civilians Rescued:





Player Action Credits (current round - 5) Current credits

Uptharr  (+3 per round)

HP: 20 / 31

ROund 5 (4 credits used)  (Inside city)

Bonus Action: Not Taken

Melee attacks on giant (4 credits)

   Result of mACE attack 1 - 20 - hits with mace, 6 damage (+3 town morale)

   Result of FLAIL attack 2 - 15 - miss

   Result of MACE attack 3 - 20 - hits with mace, 5 damage (+2 town morale)

   Result of FLAIL attack 4 - 12 - miss


Azalie (+3 per round) 

HP: 25 / 27

ROund 5 (4 credits used) (on rooftop)

Bonus Action: Not Taken

Range attacks on giant (4 credits)

   Result of attack 1 - 19 - hits with arrow of gentle echoes (gives giant disadvantage)  

   Result of attack 2 - 13 - miss

   Result of attack 3 - 14 - miss

   Result of attack 4 - 16 - hits for 7 damage (+3 town morale)



Dorf (+3 per round)   (rage Expires on round 10)

HP: 23 / 35

ROund 5:  (2 credits used, 2 banked)  (In snow near city gate)

Bonus Action: Drinkng a healing potion (recovers 10 hp)

Melee attacks on giant (2 credits)

   Result of attack 1 - 25 - called shot deals 13 damage  (+6 Town morale)

   Result of attack 2 - 19 - missess called shot  ()



Fizzbum (+3 per round) 

HP: 27 / 27

ROund (4 credits used)  (Hiding in city behind barrell close to mutt and uptharr)

Custom Action: casting produce flame twice at giant: (4 credits)

   Result of spell 1: miss

   Result of spell 2: critical hit for 8 damage! (+4 town morale)



Mutt (+3 per round) 

HP: 16 / 24

ROund 5: (4 credits used) (inside city)

Bonus Action: casting healing word at himself

   Result of spell: heals 10 hit poitns on himself

Custom Action: Casting Minor Illusion to trick orc: (2 credits)

   Result of spell & deception roll: 12 vs wis check of 14 - Orc doesn't fall for it

Custom action 2: Casting vicious mockery at giant: (2 credits)

   Result of spell: Giant Save throw: 16 - success


Round 5 Summary (click here to view)
Round 4 Summary (click here to view)
Round 4 summary

Orcs Killed: 9 orcs killed (1 by Uptharr, 2 by Militia guards, 1 by Sheriff Southwell, 5 by Elite Guards)
Guards Killed: 1 Militia guards were killed (1 by Orcs)
Damage done to Giant: 61 damage was done to the giant. (13 by Dorf, 8 by Azalie, 5 by Mutt, 35 by Militia guards)
Citizens captured by Orcs: 1 citizens were captured by orcs and taken out of the city
Citizens grabbed and being dragged by Orcs: 0 citizens
Property Damage done: 0



Damage Done to Players:

         Dorf takes 19 Damage +7 healing = 12 damage

         Uptharr takes 9 Damage +16 healing = 7 healing

         Mutt takes 18 Damage

Citizens Rescued: 18 (No more orcs)



New Militia Guards joining raid: +5 (+5 Town Morale)

Town Morale Change: +47

Raider Morale Change: -39

Round 3 Summary (click here to view)
Round 2 Summary (click here to view)
Round 1 Summary (click here to view)

Player Options:

  1. Search for Party Members (cost: 1 action credit)

    • Action: Roll 1 Perception or Investigation to locate separated allies.

    • Effects: Success reunites you with specified group members, enhancing your effectiveness; failure delays reunion and may result in minor injuries from the chaos.

  2. Rescue Citizens (cost: 2 action credits)

    • Sub-options:

      • Citizen Dragged by Orc: Attempt 1 Athletics check (DC 15) to free the civilian (lowest risk to civilian)

      • Citizen Dragged by Orc by attacking the Orc: Attempt 1 Melee or Range roll (VS AC) to free the civilian by killing the orc (High risk to civilian, must exceed AC by +5 or civilian will be killed)

      • Lead Frightened Citizen to Safety: Make 1 Persuasion check (DC 12) to guide them to safety.

    • Consequences: Success saves civilians, improves morale, and will have an effect on your reputation score; failure can result in civilian capture or Death.

  3. Engage Enemies at Range (Cost: 2 action credits)

    • Action: Use ranged attacks against orcs or the giant.

    • Outcome: Roll 2 range attacks roll vs. AC of the target. Successful hits reduce enemy numbers; misses may have no effect.

  4. Melee Attacks on Orcs or Giant (Cost: 2 Action Credits)

    • Action: Engage directly in combat.

    • Outcome: Roll 2 melee attacks. Successful strikes inflict damage; misses expose you to counterattacks.

  5. Hide (Cost: 1 action credit)

    • Action: Make 1 Stealth check (DM will determine DC) to avoid direct conflict.

    • Outcome: Successful stealth allows you to avoid combat damage

  6. Taunt (Cost: Bonus Action)

    • Action: Try and gain aggro from enemies.  Make a Persuasion Check, the DM will make opposing WIS save rolls for a portion of remaining Orcs, and the Giant).

    • Outcome: Successfully Taunted enemies will attack you instead of civilians or guards, increasing potential damage you take, but reducing threats on civilians for this round)

  7. Custom Action & Spells (Cost: Varies)

    • Action: Casting spells or if taking a different action than one above, please consult with the DM.

    • Outcome: DM Discretion, will determine how your specific action will affect the battle.  Note: Some spells and abilities will be slightly modified for this combat format.





Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 5 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 4 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 3 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 2 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character Action Descriptive - Round 1 (click to display) Results Round/Credits