Raid on Bryn Shander 

(Combat Variant Challenge)


The Horde

Raider Morale (Low morale results in more ineffective actions)

(Change from last round)



Number of Orc Raiders Active (AC: 13)

** Surrounded at city gate **



Orc Raiders Fled/Escaped  1


Orc Raiders Killed So Far 30


Giant's Health inside the city (AC: 16) **DEAD**

* Marked by Azalie *



Giant's Health inside the city (AC: 16)

** Near city gate **



Property damage/stolen total cost 915 GP



Town Morale (Low morale results in more ineffective actions)



Sheriff Markham southwell hit points (AC: 17)

** Blocking city gate **

58 / 58
Number of Militiamen Active (AC 11)

** Inside city *



Militiamen Killed / Disabled



Number of Elite guards (AC: 16)

** blocking city gate **



Elite guards Killed / Disabled



Civilians in danger (Persuasion: DC 12)



Civilians being dragged away (Athletics: DC 15)



Civilians Captured



Civilians Killed



Civilians Rescued:





Player Action Credits (current round - 5) Current credits

Uptharr  (+3 per round)

HP: 20 / 31

ROund 5 (4 credits used)  (Inside city)

Bonus Action: Not Taken

Melee attacks on giant (4 credits)

   Result of mACE attack 1 - 20 - hits with mace, 6 damage (+3 town morale)

   Result of FLAIL attack 2 - 15 - miss

   Result of MACE attack 3 - 20 - hits with mace, 5 damage (+2 town morale)

   Result of FLAIL attack 4 - 12 - miss


Azalie (+3 per round) 

HP: 25 / 27

ROund 5 (4 credits used) (on rooftop)

Bonus Action: Not Taken

Range attacks on giant (4 credits)

   Result of attack 1 - 19 - hits with arrow of gentle echoes (gives giant disadvantage)  

   Result of attack 2 - 13 - miss

   Result of attack 3 - 14 - miss

   Result of attack 4 - 16 - hits for 7 damage (+3 town morale)



Dorf (+3 per round)   (rage Expires on round 10)

HP: 23 / 35

ROund 5:  (2 credits used, 2 banked)  (In snow near city gate)

Bonus Action: Drinkng a healing potion (recovers 10 hp)

Melee attacks on giant (2 credits)

   Result of attack 1 - 25 - called shot deals 13 damage  (+6 Town morale)

   Result of attack 2 - 19 - missess called shot  ()



Fizzbum (+3 per round) 

HP: 27 / 27

ROund (4 credits used)  (Hiding in city behind barrell close to mutt and uptharr)

Custom Action: casting produce flame twice at giant: (4 credits)

   Result of spell 1: miss

   Result of spell 2: critical hit for 8 damage! (+4 town morale)



Mutt (+3 per round) 

HP: 16 / 24

ROund 5: (4 credits used) (inside city)

Bonus Action: casting healing word at himself

   Result of spell: heals 10 hit poitns on himself

Custom Action: Casting Minor Illusion to trick orc: (2 credits)

   Result of spell & deception roll: 12 vs wis check of 14 - Orc doesn't fall for it

Custom action 2: Casting vicious mockery at giant: (2 credits)

   Result of spell: Giant Save throw: 16 - success


Round 5 Summary (click here to view)
Round 4 Summary (click here to view)
Round 3 Summary (click here to view)
Round 2 Summary (click here to view)
Round 1 Summary (click here to view)

Player Options:

  1. Search for Party Members (cost: 1 action credit)

    • Action: Roll 1 Perception or Investigation to locate separated allies.

    • Effects: Success reunites you with specified group members, enhancing your effectiveness; failure delays reunion and may result in minor injuries from the chaos.

  2. Rescue Citizens (cost: 2 action credits)

    • Sub-options:

      • Citizen Dragged by Orc: Attempt 1 Athletics check (DC 15) to free the civilian (lowest risk to civilian)

      • Citizen Dragged by Orc by attacking the Orc: Attempt 1 Melee or Range roll (VS AC) to free the civilian by killing the orc (High risk to civilian, must exceed AC by +5 or civilian will be killed)

      • Lead Frightened Citizen to Safety: Make 1 Persuasion check (DC 12) to guide them to safety.

    • Consequences: Success saves civilians, improves morale, and will have an effect on your reputation score; failure can result in civilian capture or Death.

  3. Engage Enemies at Range (Cost: 2 action credits)

    • Action: Use ranged attacks against orcs or the giant.

    • Outcome: Roll 2 range attacks roll vs. AC of the target. Successful hits reduce enemy numbers; misses may have no effect.

  4. Melee Attacks on Orcs or Giant (Cost: 2 Action Credits)

    • Action: Engage directly in combat.

    • Outcome: Roll 2 melee attacks. Successful strikes inflict damage; misses expose you to counterattacks.

  5. Hide (Cost: 1 action credit)

    • Action: Make 1 Stealth check (DM will determine DC) to avoid direct conflict.

    • Outcome: Successful stealth allows you to avoid combat damage

  6. Taunt (Cost: Bonus Action)

    • Action: Try and gain aggro from enemies.  Make a Persuasion Check, the DM will make opposing WIS save rolls for a portion of remaining Orcs, and the Giant).

    • Outcome: Successfully Taunted enemies will attack you instead of civilians or guards, increasing potential damage you take, but reducing threats on civilians for this round)

  7. Custom Action & Spells (Cost: Varies)

    • Action: Casting spells or if taking a different action than one above, please consult with the DM.

    • Outcome: DM Discretion, will determine how your specific action will affect the battle.  Note: Some spells and abilities will be slightly modified for this combat format.





Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 5 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Dorf rushes towards the towering giant, axe in hand, He makes a called shot, swinging his axe with all his might directly into the giant`s crotch. The sharp blade bites deeply, causing the giant to double over, clutching the grievous wound. The excruciating pain overwhelms the giant, causing it to stagger back, and drop it`s club, dealing 13 points of damage! Dorf makes a follow up called shot, again targeting the giants crotch. Still Reeling from the initial devastating blow, the giant instinctively shields its groin. As Dorf swings his axe for a second strike, the giant manages to deflect the attack with a clang of metal against thick, leathery skin, knocking the blow to the side, harmlessly.

Bonus Action: Drinkng a healing potion (recovers 10 hp)

Melee attacks on giant (2 credits)

   Result of attack 1 - 25 - called shot deals 13 damage  (+6 Town morale)

   Result of attack 2 - 19 - missess called shot  ()

ROund 5:

(2 credits used, 2 credits banked)

+6 Town Morale

Mutt prepares the binding magicks in his mind and casts Healing Word on himself to repair some of the damage done, restoring 10 hit points.
Feeling slightly better, he turns towards where he saw the last citizen being dragged away. Seeing an orc carrying its prisoner away in the distance, Mutt casts Minor Illusion as close to the orc as possible and creates the sound of an authoritative orc voice.
Deception Roll: 12 vs wis check: 14
Speaking in orc, the voice commands, “Oi! Drop that human! They’ve got an ancient spirit hanging on ‘em!”
Despite Mutt's clever attempt to sway the orc with his minor illusion, the creature pauses only momentarily, its suspicious gaze darting around before it snarls dismissively. Unconvinced by the warning, the orc tightens its grip on the terrified prisoner, dragging her even more forcefully out of the city and into the orc camp beyond.
Seeing the rest of the forces cut off, Mutt looks to the giant as it starts to get surrounded by militia forces.
“Don’t worry about your friend there, large one. You will be joining them soon!”
Mutt casts Vicious Mockery on the giant. Giant Save Roll: 16 - Success
Mutt quickly conjures up a biting insult imbued with magical energy, hurling it towards the giant with a sneer. Despite the sharpness of his words, the giant shakes off the effects of the Vicious Mockery spell, as it focuses on Dorf and the guards surrounding him.

Bonus Action: casting healing word at himself

   Result of spell: heals 10 hit poitns on himself

Custom Action: Casting Minor Illusion to trick orc: (2 credits)

   Result of spell & deception roll: 12 vs wis check of 14 - Orc doesn't fall for it

Custom action 2: Casting vicious mockery at giant: (2 credits)

   Result of spell: Giant Save throw: 16 - success

ROund 5:

(4 credits used) 

As the arrow sails through the battlefield, it emits a haunting melody that seems to ripple through the very air, capturing the attention of all who hear it. It strikes the giant squarely in the chest, vanishing in a burst of ethereal sound waves that disorients the creature, causing it to stagger and sway. She looses three arrows in rapid succession, The first two arrows whistle past the giant, missing their mark as the creature`s staggered movements throw off her aim. However, her third arrow finds its mark, thudding into the giant`s shoulder with a satisfying impact dealing 7 points of damage.

Bonus Action: Not Taken

Range attacks on giant (4 credits)

   Result of attack 1 - 19 - hits with arrow of gentle echoes (gives giant disadvantage)  

   Result of attack 2 - 13 - miss

   Result of attack 3 - 14 - miss

   Result of attack 4 - 16 - hits for 7 damage (+3 town morale)

ROund 5:

(4 credits used)


+3 Town Morale

Fizzbum conjures a flickering ball of fire in his hands, its light casting eerie shadows across the battlefield. With a determined flick of his wrist, he hurls the flame towards the giant, but the chaotic movements of the battle throw off his aim, and the fireball arcs wide, dissipating harmlessly into the night air, far from its intended target.

Undeterred, Fizzbum refocuses, his expression hardening into a scowl as he summons another glowing orb of fire. This time, his aim is true; he throws the flame with a sharp thrust of his hand, sending it spiraling directly towards the giant. The fireball hits! Striking the giant's face and bursting in a spectacular display of sparks and flame, dealing 8 points of damage, searing flesh and causing the giant to roar in pain.

Custom Action: casting produce flame twice at giant: (4 credits)

   Result of spell 1: miss

   Result of spell 2: critical hit for 8 damage! (+4 town morale)

ROund 5:

(4 credits used)


+4 Town Morale

Uptharr charges at the reeling giant. He swings his Broze mace with all his might, delivering a crushing blow to the giant's knee, with a crunch, causing the already staggered giant to roar again in pain, dealing 6 points of damage.

Uptharr swings his off-hand flail in a swift, arcing motion aimed at the giant's other knee. However, the giant, anticipating the follow-up, shifts its weight awkwardly, causing the flail to whoosh through the air, missing its mark.

Uptharr tightens his grip and launches another fierce attack, his mace connecting with the giant’s elbow with a resounding crack, dealing another 5 points of damage!  Uptharr whirls his flail and makes one more attempt to strike the giant in the torso, however his swing is too wide, and it just whips inches from the giants stomach, missing.

Bonus Action: Not Taken

Melee attacks on giant (4 credits)

   Result of mACE attack 1 - 20 - hits with mace, 6 damage (+3 town morale)

   Result of FLAIL attack 2 - 15 - miss

   Result of MACE attack 3 - 20 - hits with mace, 5 damage (+2 town morale)

   Result of FLAIL attack 4 - 12 - miss


ROund 5:

(4 credits used)


+5 Town Morale

Realizing their dire situation with no viable escape, the two remaining orcs drop their weapons and raise their hands in surrender. Surrounded by the stern faces of the elite guards, their rugged armor gleaming in the fading light, the orcs submit, their heads bowed in defeat as the guards close in to secure them. Acting Orcs: 2

* 2 orcs are surrendering

-2 raider morale

+2 town morale

Surrounded by 15 militia guards, with Dorf leading the onslaught, the giant finds itself at the center a fierce assault. As the guards circle in, they lash out with a flurry of coordinated strikes, their weapons clashing against the giant's thick hide. Seven of the guards manage to find weak spots, their blades  sinking deep into the giant's flesh, dealing 49 points of damage Acting Guards: 15

* 15 guards surround the giant and attack with flanking advantage

+24 Town Morale
Driven by pain and fury, the wounded giant swings its massive fist at Dorf recklessly. Dorf, nimbly dodges to the side, the giant's fist slicing through the air where he stood just moments before. In a blind rage, the giant pivots and unleashes a powerful kick at a nearby guard. The force of the impact is tremendous, hurling the unfortunate guard through the air like a ragdoll; he crashes with a sickening thud against the city wall, killing him. Giant attacks Dorf & guard.
     Result of attack 1 - Miss
     Result of attack 2 - Hits, kills 1 guard  (halved to 9 for rage)
Two of the elite guards, capture the two surrendered orcs, binding their hands and making them get on their knees.  The remaining 8 elite guards form a tight formation around the faltering giant, each member targeting vital areas with practiced efficiency. Their blades pierce through weakened spots in the giant's defenses, delivering a series of lethal strikes that sever tendons and puncture organs. Overwhelmed by the coordinated assault, the giant emits one final bellow before collapsing to the ground with a thunderous crash, killing him. Acting Guards: 10

* 2 Elite guards bind and capture the surrendered orcs

* 8 guards surround the giant and attack with flanking advantage

Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 4 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 3 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 2 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character Action Descriptive - Round 1 (click to display) Results Round/Credits