Raid on Bryn Shander 

(Combat Variant Challenge)


The Horde

Raider Morale (Low morale results in more ineffective actions)

(Change from last round)



Number of Orc Raiders Active (AC: 13)

** Surrounded at city gate **



Orc Raiders Fled/Escaped  1


Orc Raiders Killed So Far 30


Giant's Health inside the city (AC: 16) **DEAD**

* Marked by Azalie *



Giant's Health inside the city (AC: 16)

** Near city gate **



Property damage/stolen total cost 915 GP



Town Morale (Low morale results in more ineffective actions)



Sheriff Markham southwell hit points (AC: 17)

** Blocking city gate **

58 / 58
Number of Militiamen Active (AC 11)

** Inside city *



Militiamen Killed / Disabled



Number of Elite guards (AC: 16)

** blocking city gate **



Elite guards Killed / Disabled



Civilians in danger (Persuasion: DC 12)



Civilians being dragged away (Athletics: DC 15)



Civilians Captured



Civilians Killed



Civilians Rescued:





Player Action Credits (current round - 5) Current credits

Uptharr  (+3 per round)

HP: 20 / 31

ROund 5 (4 credits used)  (Inside city)

Bonus Action: Not Taken

Melee attacks on giant (4 credits)

   Result of mACE attack 1 - 20 - hits with mace, 6 damage (+3 town morale)

   Result of FLAIL attack 2 - 15 - miss

   Result of MACE attack 3 - 20 - hits with mace, 5 damage (+2 town morale)

   Result of FLAIL attack 4 - 12 - miss


Azalie (+3 per round) 

HP: 25 / 27

ROund 5 (4 credits used) (on rooftop)

Bonus Action: Not Taken

Range attacks on giant (4 credits)

   Result of attack 1 - 19 - hits with arrow of gentle echoes (gives giant disadvantage)  

   Result of attack 2 - 13 - miss

   Result of attack 3 - 14 - miss

   Result of attack 4 - 16 - hits for 7 damage (+3 town morale)



Dorf (+3 per round)   (rage Expires on round 10)

HP: 23 / 35

ROund 5:  (2 credits used, 2 banked)  (In snow near city gate)

Bonus Action: Drinkng a healing potion (recovers 10 hp)

Melee attacks on giant (2 credits)

   Result of attack 1 - 25 - called shot deals 13 damage  (+6 Town morale)

   Result of attack 2 - 19 - missess called shot  ()



Fizzbum (+3 per round) 

HP: 27 / 27

ROund (4 credits used)  (Hiding in city behind barrell close to mutt and uptharr)

Custom Action: casting produce flame twice at giant: (4 credits)

   Result of spell 1: miss

   Result of spell 2: critical hit for 8 damage! (+4 town morale)



Mutt (+3 per round) 

HP: 16 / 24

ROund 5: (4 credits used) (inside city)

Bonus Action: casting healing word at himself

   Result of spell: heals 10 hit poitns on himself

Custom Action: Casting Minor Illusion to trick orc: (2 credits)

   Result of spell & deception roll: 12 vs wis check of 14 - Orc doesn't fall for it

Custom action 2: Casting vicious mockery at giant: (2 credits)

   Result of spell: Giant Save throw: 16 - success


Round 5 Summary (click here to view)
Round 4 Summary (click here to view)
Round 3 Summary (click here to view)
Round 2 Summary (click here to view)
Round 1 Summary (click here to view)

Player Options:

  1. Search for Party Members (cost: 1 action credit)

    • Action: Roll 1 Perception or Investigation to locate separated allies.

    • Effects: Success reunites you with specified group members, enhancing your effectiveness; failure delays reunion and may result in minor injuries from the chaos.

  2. Rescue Citizens (cost: 2 action credits)

    • Sub-options:

      • Citizen Dragged by Orc: Attempt 1 Athletics check (DC 15) to free the civilian (lowest risk to civilian)

      • Citizen Dragged by Orc by attacking the Orc: Attempt 1 Melee or Range roll (VS AC) to free the civilian by killing the orc (High risk to civilian, must exceed AC by +5 or civilian will be killed)

      • Lead Frightened Citizen to Safety: Make 1 Persuasion check (DC 12) to guide them to safety.

    • Consequences: Success saves civilians, improves morale, and will have an effect on your reputation score; failure can result in civilian capture or Death.

  3. Engage Enemies at Range (Cost: 2 action credits)

    • Action: Use ranged attacks against orcs or the giant.

    • Outcome: Roll 2 range attacks roll vs. AC of the target. Successful hits reduce enemy numbers; misses may have no effect.

  4. Melee Attacks on Orcs or Giant (Cost: 2 Action Credits)

    • Action: Engage directly in combat.

    • Outcome: Roll 2 melee attacks. Successful strikes inflict damage; misses expose you to counterattacks.

  5. Hide (Cost: 1 action credit)

    • Action: Make 1 Stealth check (DM will determine DC) to avoid direct conflict.

    • Outcome: Successful stealth allows you to avoid combat damage

  6. Taunt (Cost: Bonus Action)

    • Action: Try and gain aggro from enemies.  Make a Persuasion Check, the DM will make opposing WIS save rolls for a portion of remaining Orcs, and the Giant).

    • Outcome: Successfully Taunted enemies will attack you instead of civilians or guards, increasing potential damage you take, but reducing threats on civilians for this round)

  7. Custom Action & Spells (Cost: Varies)

    • Action: Casting spells or if taking a different action than one above, please consult with the DM.

    • Outcome: DM Discretion, will determine how your specific action will affect the battle.  Note: Some spells and abilities will be slightly modified for this combat format.





Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 5 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 4 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 3 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Character FINAL Action Descriptive - Round 2 (click to display) FINAL Results Round/Credits
Dorf`s thunderous taunt pierces through the chaos of battle, drawing the attention of five nearby orcs like moths to a flame. With primal instincts ignited by his taunt, their eyes lock onto Dorf with fury and curiosity, as they roar and charge at him.

With a maniacal laugh echoing through the chaos, Dorf charges at the nearest group of orcs with primal fury. His Dwarven axe cleaves through the air with lethal precision, striking the first orc squarely in the chest and sending it crashing to the ground in a spray of blood and gore. Killing it!

Dorf`s onslaught continues as he pivots towards the next orcnearby, his eyes ablaze with fury. With a ferocious swing of his axe, he delivers another devastating blow that carves a gash deep in the orc`s head, cracking it`s skull with a spray of blood and brain matter. Killing it!

Bonus action: Taunt (persuasion check: 14)

   Taunt Result: Draws the attention of 5 nearby orcs

Melee Attacks vs ORcs (2 credits) (AC: 13)

  Result of attack 1: 14 - Killing 1 orc (-3 Raider Morale, +1 Town morale)

  Result of attack 2: 15 - Killing 1 orc (-3 Raider morale, +1 town morale)

ROund 2:

(2 credits used)

-6 Raider Morale

+2 Town Morale

With determination etched on his face, Uptharr rushes towards the struggling woman, attempting to pry her from the orc`s grasp with a powerful display of athleticism. Despite his efforts, the orc`s grip is too strong and after a struggle, the woman continues to be dragged away, her cries echoing through the chaos of battle. Uptharr is knocked prone during the exchange, and the Orc escapes into the chaos with the screaming civilian.

Freeing a citizen being dragged by orcs (2 credits) (DC 15)

   Result of Athletics Check: 10 - Failed to free the citizen

Round 2:

(2 credits used)

Azalie can feel the warm blood dripping down her leg. She's not sure if it's Orc blood or hers. It doesn't matter to her. There are people suffering, hurting, crushing. She shakes off the trap of fear.
She has to stop that giant. His size is menacing, almost a taunt, a challenge. She spots a way up to the small balcony above her. She jumps from a cart to the support, directly on top of the roof.
"HERE ME! TAKE UP ARMS, JOIN THE HOWLBEARS AS WE RID THIS CITY OF DANGER. TAKE UP ARMS!" Azalie screams with all her might, pushing every word out while gritting her teeth. The pain from the wound is settling in. cough cough, she takes a few hard breaths and then casts Hunter's Mark on the Giant.
Pulling back her bow, she steadies herself and draws in a shallow breath through her nose. She holds her breath. As she she's her Arrow of Gentle Echos, fly through the air, she closes her eyes and prays for the arrow to hit.
"Go to the ground you beast." Azalie says to herself. "GO TO THE GROUND!" she yells out.

Her arrow whistles past the giant, embedding itself harmlessly into the snow. She grits her teeth in frustration, quickly nocking another arrow.

Bonus action: Jumping onto a nearby roof (acrobactics check: 13 VS DC 10)

   Jumping result: She jumps from a cart to the support, directly on top of the roof.

Custom Action: Casting Hunters Mark & one range attack at the hill giant.

   Result of Hunters Mark: Hill giant marked

   Result of Range Attack: Miss

Round 2:

(2 credits used) 

Fizz concentrates briefly, muttering a quiet incantation to end the entanglement. As he does, the vines abruptly loosen and retreat into the ground, freeing both the city guard and the orc simultaneously.

Fizz's Poison Spray engulfs the orc, causing it to choke and gasp as the toxic fumes overtake it, quickly bringing it to the ground lifeless.

As Fizzbum extends his hands towards Azalie, a warm, golden light flows from his palms. The light wraps around her, seeping into her wounds, which visibly begin to close. Azalie's expression softens as a soothing energy rejuvenates her, restoring 7 hit points.

Fizzbum (+2 per round)  (Group 2)

HP: 27 / 27

ROund 2: (2 credits used)

Bonus action: Healing word cast on azalie.

   Result of Healing word: Restores 7 hp to azalie

Custom Action: Releasing Entangle spell & casting poison spray on an orc. (2 credits) (orc con save)

   Result of releasing entangle spell: Spell ends (orc no longer entangled, guard no longer entangled)

   Result of poison spray: Killed 1 orc (-3 Raider morale, +1 Town morale)

Round 2:

(2 credits used)

-3 Raider Morale

+1 Town Morale

With a resounding crack, Mutt channels the power of the Shatter spell towards the giant's club, unleashing a thunderous wave of force. The club splinters and shatters into pieces under the spell's intense vibrations, while the giant staggers back, clutching its ears in agony as it suffers the percussion damage from the reverberating sound, taking 7 points of damage. Refusing to allow the growing fear to take over, Mutt continues his inspiring chant. He raises his voice even louder over the din of battle so the guards can hear his song, using his Bardic Inspiration to boost the Morale of the town.

Bonus Action: Bardic Inspiration to boost morale

     Result of Bardic Inspiration: +3 Town Morale

Custom Action: Casts Shatter on the giant's club

     Result of Shatter spell on club: Save vs DC 14, Failed, Club shattered (+10 town morale)

     Result of shatter spell on giant: Save vs DC 14, failed. Giant takes 7 points of damage (+3 Town Morale)

Round 2:

(2 credits used)

+16 Town Morale

Three orcs seize the opportunity to snatch more citizens from the streets, each grasping a frightened individual. The air is pierced by the screams of women as the orcs viciously pull and yank at them, dragging them away. The victims struggle desperately but are no match for the raiders.

In a brutal onslaught, six orcs attack milita guards aggressivly. Wielding their axes and clubs, they hack and slash through the defenders, cleaving through armor, crushing bone, and severing limbs.  Five of the guards are killed by the mauraders.

As the battle rages, eight orcs split off to wreak havoc on the town's property, channeling their destructive urges into theft and vandalism. They smash through shop windows, tear down doors, and grab whatever valuables they can carry, leaving a trail of broken and looted premises behind them. Their destructive rampage does 421 GP of damage to the town.

7 of the orcs are drawn to Dorf, his taunts ringing out to draw their attention. They swarm him with a flurry of blows, but only one manages to breach his defenses, the impact of the strike dampened by the ferocity of his raging spirit, and he takes 5 damage (down from 9(. Despite the onslaught, Dorf's mocking laughter and goading shouts continue, his presence dominating the battlefield as he deliberately distracts the orcs from attacking his allies.

Acting Orcs: 27

* 3 orcs are grabbing more citizens, and begin dragging them away.
* 6 orcs have engaged the city guards in combat, seeking to diminish the city's defenses.
     5 Guards are killed (+5 raider morale, -15 town morale)
8 orcs are causing further havoc by stealing or damaging property. (421 GP total)
     Orc 1: 38 GP
     Orc 2: 29 GP
     Orc 3: 59 GP
     Orc 4: 34 GP
     Orc 5: 68 GP
     Orc 6: 26 GP
     Orc 7: 76 GP
     Orc 8: 91 GP

* 7 orcs have targeted party members
        7 Orcs attack Dorf, 1 Hits him for 9 damage (halved by his rage) Dorf takes 5 damage.

* 3 orcs drag screaming civilans out of the gate

     3 Civilians captured (+3 Raider morale)

Round 2:

(27 active orcs)

+8 Raider Morale

-15 Town Morale


Before the guards advance, the battlefield is rocked by a loud, resounding crack as Mutt's spell targets the giant's club, shattering it into splinters. Emboldened by this turn of events, five guards seize the moment and swarm towards the now weaponless giant, their weapons drawn and eyes alight with determination. They launch a coordinated assault, though their inexperience shows as four of their attacks fail to find their mark amidst the giant's flailing attempts to defend himself with his bare hands. However, one guard manages to hit, driving his blade into the giant for a significant wound, dealing 7 damage as the giant bellows in pain and rage. Acting Guards: 15

* 5 guards have chosen to attack the giant
     1 hit dealing 7 damage. (+3 Town Morale)
     4 miss.
* 2 guards are attacking orcs
     1 orc killed (+1 Town Morale, -3 Raider Morale)
8 Guards stand Demoralized.

Round 2:

(19 active guards)

+4 Town Morale

-3 raider morale

Enraged and weaponless, the giant channels his fury into a devastating punch, connecting squarely with one of the guards. The force of the blow sends the guard hurtling through the air like a ragdoll before he crashes with a sickening thud into the side of a nearby building. The impact is fatal, killing the guard. Giant attacks 2 guards with its fists.
     Result of attack 1 - Misses guard
     Result of attack 2 - Hits, 1 Guard killed (+1 Raider Morale, -3 Town Morale)
Round 2:

+1 Raider Morale

-3 Town Morale

Character Action Descriptive - Round 1 (click to display) Results Round/Credits